Favourite Fishsticks:
2BN ANNIHILATOR - Natural Series
I need a fairly heavy stick to get a punchy and powerful sound even at very high tempos. Also the length and design of the shoulder of the stick make a huge impact on the overall performance - the more weight I have at the front, the less power I need to play “loud”. I basically let the stick do the work for me + the Nylon tip adds Finesse, especially on the ride cymbals. So the 2BN ANNIHILATORs are the perfect pair for me!
I started at the age of 6 and had an on-off relationship with drumming until I was 14. That’s when I started liking playing drums. After many local bands and some international touring and session jobs, I’m now drummer for Obscura and Cognizance.
Home Town: Graz - Styria, Austria
Favourite Styles: Black ‘n’ Death
Current bands: Obscura, Cognizance
Session Bands: Benighted, Hate, Belphegor, Monument of Misanthropy, Demonstealer, Demonic Resurrection; all sorts of Rock/Metal bands as a studio drummer