Favourite Fishsticks:
5A Hoarfrost
A Solid old favourite size that can handle all my duties behind the tubs. Well balanced and weighted to feel right at home with the Hoarfrost.
5AX Hyper Blast
These cheeky Fishsticks are slightly front heavy for more impact and power. They produce a strong tone during fast tippy taps and have more reach for my bippity baps.
Personal Bio:
I started picking up drums at high school for music classes when I was 15 but only acquired my first drum kit and started playing when I was 17. Started with playing to my favourite tracks on animations I watched and eventually picked up my first pair of double pedals which marked my transition to metal ever since.
I currently play in a Technical Death Metal band Blade of Horus and a Technical Slamming Death Metal project Ivphoosu
Home Town: Sydney, NSW (Originally Johannesburg, South Africa)
First Drum set: No name brand picked up at a garage sale (Budget kit)
Favourite Styles: Metal/Rock
Current bands: Blade of Horus, Ivphoosu
Session Bands: The Loom of Time
Favourite Drummers and Biggest influences: Tim Yeung, George Kollias, John Longstreth, Ken Bedene, Chad Szeliga just to name a few out of a really long list.
Bands you would love to tour with or already have:
I'd love to tour with bands like Archspire, Cytotoxin, Fallujah but most importantly a bunch of fun people that we could sit together and laugh together at the end of the day. I had a really good time touring with Vulvodynia, Wormhole and Placenta Powerfist
Most memorable moments:
Rock the Hell festival in Switzerland. Incredibly beautiful scenery near the Alps coupled with a Brutal Death metal fest, such a blast (haha pun intended)