Favourite Fishsticks:
5A Hoarfrost. I need gear I can rely on. It needs to work every night on stage and at every studio session. I've used nearly every major brand over the years, so I know what the benchmark for quality is. Fishsticks exceed every requirement and the accessories are great. For long studio days, the stick grip wraps really save my hands!
Home Town: out in the bush.
First Drum set: 1970's Pearl
Favourite Styles: Ragtime, reggae, RnB, and backstroke
Current bands:
Somnium nox
Rise of avernus
Sorathian dawn
Session Bands:
Too many!
Favourite Drummers and Biggest influences:
Jack dejhonette, boards of canada, Jan axel
Bands you would love to tour with or already have:
Any that pay me properly.
Most memorable moments:
One time my dog came in and jumped straight onto the couch!