Favourite Fishsticks: 2BN ANNIHILATOR
Finally! A stick with all the girth I need to successfully defeat my instrument without mercy. The extra thicc allows me to make physics my bitch and exploit inertia for blasties not yet seen by mere mortals. Nylon tips ping harder than a Bush Doof.
Bio: Current meat metronome for To The Grave and bouncing around to bands who need shit hit fast and in time. Love touring life and mega gear nerd. Drums have been a passion since 11 years of age, didn't get my first kit till I was 21 though. Started taking music seriously around 2010 and been playing in bands doing shows ever since.
First kit: Pearl Joey Jordison signature series 8 piece kit
Favourite styles: Tech death, rock, jazz, gospel chops
Current bands: To The Grave, Daemon Pyre
Session bands: Xenobiotic, Iconoclast
Favourite drummers: Eugene Ryabchenko, David Diepold, Ken Bedene, John Longstreth, Alan Cassidy, Dave McGraw, Anthony Barone, Wanja Groeger, Samus66, Austin Archey
Biggest influences: George Kollias, Inferno, Derek Roddy, Joey Jordison, Lord Marco
Bands I want to tour with: Thy Art Is Murder, Ingested, Slaughter to Prevail, Within Destruction, Hollow Prophet, Aborted, Lorna Shore, Shadow of Intent