Favourite Fishsticks: 5B HAMMER BLAST
I utilise the 5B HAMMER BLAST sticks as I feel they are sturdy enough to handle my style of playing, and they are not too heavy, which allows me to keep my speed around the drum kit. The design was also a contributing factor to what drew me in to the brand, too, with the vibrant colours they use to enhance the aesthetics of their craftsmanship.
I first started dabbling in percussion at the age of 12, that's where I felt that I had a natural aptitude toward the rhythm of drumming.
From there, I saved up all the money I could, and by the age of 14, I had purchased my first drum set: Tama Stagestar Fusion in a deep blue.
I practiced most days I was able to until I started my first band at 15. From there, my drumming started to get better and I was pursued by a number of bands thereafter, but I felt for my personal life/music life balance, I needed to focus on only 2 bands: Fall To Flames and Enemo-J, with the latter getting signed to Digital Media Records (New York), playing alongside bands such as Korn, Hed PE, Black Light Burns and attaining a slot at Download Festival 2010.
In 2016, I uprooted everything in England to move to Australia for a better quality of life, and in doing so, I was eventually, after years of hiatus from music, able to form a band called Rise From Ashes in late 2022.
Home Town: Melbourne, Australia (From Derby, England)
Favourite Styles: Djent, Metalcore, Deathcore
Current bands: Rise From Ashes
Previous bands: Enemo-J, Fall To Flames, Arkayon, Dark Abyss, Severed Legion